On this page you will find papers written by me that can be downloaded. Sometimes there will be drafts in the process of publication or working documents which might contain useful data for researchers. These will be password protected. I will also post supplementary material which is too large or complex to accompany journal articles and presentations.
Chowne, P., 2015. Bronze Age Barrow Complexes on the Lincolnshire Fen Margin, in Rivers in Prehistory, (pp.125-136), ed. A. Vianello. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Review of:
Lane, T. & D. Trimble, 2010. Fluid Landscapes and Human Adaptation: Excavations on Prehistoric sites on the Lincolnshire Fen Edge 1991-1994, Heckington: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire Archaeology and Heritage Reports 9.